A young woman was referred to Platform. She had been couch surfing with a family friend for a few months after disclosing abuse at home. The relationship with friend was strained due to months of the friend supporting her and both trying to juggle school and part time work. She was having limited contact with family. She was accepted to move into a Platform Residential program and staff supported her to settle in. This was a hard time for her never being in a refuge environment before, sharing with 4 others, parental pressures, trying to complete HSC, and having to address complex needs.
With support she completed her HSC and attended her formal. She started to branch out after burying herself in study and work so as to not have to address her trauma. She formed new friendships and started to date and her confidence began to grow again. She then secured work and started studying again. Staff discussed then that it was time for her to move from her current program to a more independent program.
The young woman stayed at the new property for 10 months. She was thriving in her work and study and mending some relationships in her life, but sadly was taken advantage of again. The flow on from this experience effected all aspects of her life, she broke up with her partner, started overstaying her welcome at friends places and having days off work. She lost her confidence again and staff could see her starting to lose herself. With staff support and encouragement, the young woman began to take back control of her life seeking support through counselling and time off to heal.
She was ready then for a fresh start so decided to move into independent accommodation. Staff supported the move, trying to make the lease signing and move around her work hours due to all the time she had already had off, and prioritised this as they could see the positive effect the move was having on and that she had taken control again.
This young woman is now settled in new accommodation and loving her life. She will have finished her studies in another 12 months, and is thriving in her supported work environment. We are astounded at her tenacity and perseverance.